Minggu, 22 September 2013

Accounting Terms  



Accounting  =  akuntansi
Is the systematic recording, reporting and analysis of financial transactions of a business
Accountant = akuntan
The person in charge of accounting
Accountant public = akuntan publik
Financial accounting and consulting done for people and businesses and must certified public accountant
Account payable = hutang lancar
Money which a company owes to vendors for product and services purchased on credit
Account receivable = piutang dagang
Money which is owed to a company by a costumer for products and services provided on credit
Accumulated depreciation = akumulasi depresiasi
The amount of depreciation for fixed asset that has been charged to expense since that asset was accuired and made available for use
Amortization = penyusutan atas harta tak berwujud
The paying of debt in regular installments over a priode of time
Asset = kekayaan
A resource with economic value that an individual, coorporation or country owns or controls with expectation that it will provide future benefit
Auditing = pemeriksaan keuangan
Examination and systematic, structural evaluation of a bussiness organization
Auditor = pemeriksa keuangan
A profesional who evaluates some aspect of a project bussines or individual during an audit


Balance sheet = neraca
Financial statement that shows what the business owns(assets) and owes (liabilities) and the value of the owner’s equity at spesific point in time
Bank payable = hutang bank
Money a bank borrows mainly on a short-term basis
Bank statement = rekening koran
Report  released ( on fixed data every month) by bank that lists deposits, withdrawals, interest, earned and service
Building = gedung
One of fixed asset/ permanent asset
Bond = obligasi
Debt security, debt instrument  issued for a priod of more than a year with purpose of raising capital by borrowing
Budget= anggaran
An estimate of cost, revenues, and resources over a specified period, reflecting a reading of future financial condition and goals
Bad debt expense = cadangan kerugian piutang
An entry found on a bussiness’s income statement thet represents the amount of non collectable account receivable
Bill = tagihan
An amount of money owed for goods supplied or service rendered


Capital  = Modal
Wealth in the form of money or property owned by a person or business and human resources of economic value.
Capital expenditure = Pengeluaran modal
he cost of long-term improvements; Funds used by a company to acquire or upgrade physical assets such as property, industrial buildings or equipment.
Cash = Kas
Prompt payment for goods or services in currency or by check.
Cash dividend = Dividen kas
Money paid to stockholders, normally out of the corporation’s current earnings or accumulated profits.
Cash in bank = Kas di bank
The sum of all coins, currency and other unrestricted liquid funds that have been placed on deposit with a financial institution.
Cash flow = Arus kas
The excess of cash revenues over cash outlays in a given period of time (not including non-cash expenses)
Cash overdraft = Kas negatif
A cash account with a credit balance, reported as a liability on balance sheet.
Cash sales = Penjualan tunai
A transaction in which the securities are delivered on the trade date instead of after the usual three business days required to settle the contract.
Cash payment journal = Jurnal pengeluaran kas
Used to record all cash payments made by a company. A special journal designed to record a single type of frequently occurring transaction — in this case, cash payments.
Cash receipt journal = Jurnal penerimaan kas
Used to record sales of merchandise for cash. A special journal designed to record a single type of frequently occurring transaction — in this case, cash receipts.
Cash short and over  = Beda kas/selisih kas
When there is a discrepancy between cash on hand to cash given out, the amount is recorded in this account on the ledger.
Chart of account = Bagan akuntansi (perkiraan)
System of accounting records developed by every organization to be compatible with its particular financial structure, and in agreement with the amount of detail required in its financial statements. It consists of a list of ledger account names and numbers showing classifications and sub-classifications, and serves as an index to locate a given account within the ledger.
Closing journal entry = Ayat jurnal penutup
A journal entry made at the end of the accounting period is used to transfer data in the temporary accounts to the permanent balance sheet or income statement accounts. The purpose of the closing entry is to bring the temporary journal account balances to zero for the next accounting period, which aids in keeping the accounts reconciled.
Comission earned = Pendapatan komisi
A service charge assessed by a broker or investment advisor in return for providing investment advice and/or handling the purchase or sale of a security.
Corporation = Korporasi (perseroan)
Firm that meets certain legal requirements to be recognized as having a legal existence, as an entity separate and distinct from its owners.
Cost = Biaya
An amount that has to be paid or given up in order to get something.
Cost accounting = Akuntansi biaya
A method of accounting in which all costs incurred in carrying out an activity or accomplishing a purpose are collected, classified, and recorded; A type of accounting process that aims to capture a company’s costs of production by assessing the input costs of each step of production as well as fixed costs such as depreciation of capital equipment.
Credit sale = Penjualan kredit
Purchases made by a consumer that do not require a payment made in full at the time of purchase.
Current asset = Aset (harta) lancar
An asset such as receivables, inventory, work in process, or cash, that is constantly flowing in and out of an organization in the normal course of its business, as cash is converted into goods and then back into cash.
Current liability = Utang lancar
Obligations such as deferred dividend, trade credit, and unpaid taxes, arising in the normal course of a business and due for payment within a year. Its include short term debt, accounts payable, accrued liabilities and other debts.
Current ratio = Rasio lancar
A liquidity ratio that measures a company’s ability to pay short-term obligations, it is the ratio of current assets to current liabilities.
Customer = Pelanggan
A person, company, or other entity which buys goods and services produced by another person, company, or other entity, and has the ability to choose between different products and suppliers.

Senin, 09 September 2013

About Me

Hello my friends, my name is Farihah Oemar you can call me aa’. I was born in Seririt on December 11, 1994. I am 18 years old now.  live in Jendral Sudirman street no.13 Seririt, Bali post code: 81153. I like sport, playing keyboard, playing games, and everything that can make me thinking more. I want to be a successful person, especially to be a professional accountant.

I am the 4th from 5 children. We are F.O family. My first brother name is  Fikri Oemar and the second is my sister, her name is Firza Oemar, the third is sister again her name is Faradiba Oemar, the fourth is me, Farihah Oemar and the last is my little brother, his name is Fadhael Oemar. My mother’s name is Su’ud Alaydrus and my father name is Oemar Makkawi. My first brother and my third sister were married.